Oligosaccharides in Infant Health

breastfeeding formula infant health kids health naturopath nutritionist

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) pass through the digestive system intact, reaching the colon and exerting prebiotic effects. This prebiotic action in the colon, the most well-known attribute of HMO, helps to promote the colonisation of the gut with ‘good bacteria’ such as the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species.

In addition to this function, it has been shown that HMO can block the adhesion of pathogenic microbes to the epithelial surfaces by acting as soluble ligand analogs thus lowering the risk of viral, bacterial and protozoan parasite infections.

At the mucosal lining HMO exerts some localised effects such as innate immune system modulation and differential cell responses.

It is thought that small amounts of HMO can be absorbed via the small intestine and are subsequently excreted via urination. This means that there are also possible systemic effects of HMO in the immune system or in neuronal development.

infant health kids health naturopath milk nutritionist

Can bottle fed babies get any of these benefits?

Oligosaccharides such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) are considered to be good analogs for HMO and have been found to promote a gastrointestinal microflora that is very similar to that of a breastfeed infants when supplemented to formula fed infants.

The amount of Bifidobacterium in stool samples increases in a dose dependent manner, however numbers of Lactobacillus in the stool increase in a non-dose dependent manner (e.g. supplementing with either 0.4 g/L or 0.8 g/L oligosaccharides has the same effect).

The addition of GOS and FOS as supplements via formula can help to give some of the same protective and health promoting benefits of breast milk to bottle fed babies.

If you need assistance with breastfeeding, bottle feeding or infant nutrition, book in for a consult. I love working with babies and as a mother of 2 little ones, I have lived through all the stress and worry that comes with a baby’s first months and would love to help you at this time.


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