Flaxseed Pudding

flaxseed pudding nutritionist naturopath vegan heart health autoimmune

This is such an easy way to get a good portion of flaxseed into your diet.

Flaxseed is packed with omega 3 fats, fibre and lignans and is an very heart healthy food.

❤️ Research has shown it can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol (must be the seeds, flaxseed oil doesn’t have the same results).

💩 Also, if you are prone to constipation, make flaxseed your friend. One of these puddings every day will help to keep you regular!

This is a super simple recipe and makes 8-10 portions that will keep for 3-4 days in the fridge.

2 cups Flaxseed meal
4 cups Almond milk
2 tablespoons Cinnamon powder
2 tablespoons Maple syrup

1. combine all the ingredients in a bowl
2. Divide the mixture out into 8-10 little bowls and refrigerate for at least an hour
3. Top with more cinnamon and whole flaxseeds to make it pretty 😍

flaxseed pudding vegan pant based cardiovascular nutrition autoimmune naturopath

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