Aged Garlic Extract for Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Management

Aged Garlic Extract is a type of liquid preparation of aged garlic that is commonly used in garlic research studies. It has a high content of the water soluble compound S-allyl-cysteine (SAC) which is more stable than other compounds in garlic such as allicin. SAC is one of the most bioavailable and active garlic compounds and is thought to be the compound that protects against heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

🧄Effect on blood pressure:

SAC has a blood pressure lowering action, thought to be caused by its antioxidant properties that can trap reactive oxygen species. It also inhibits expression of transaction factors that cause hypertension and enhances nitric oxide production which acts as a vasodilator.

🧄Effect on cholesterol

SAC also inhibits enzymes that are involved in cholesterol synthesis in the liver and may also prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Meta-analyses of current research shows that aged garlic extracts can significantly reduce total cholesterol levels. The effect appears to be dependant on the type of preparation, dose and duration of treatment with trials longer than eight weeks using aged garlic extract having stronger cholesterol lowering effects than other types of garlic.

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