Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and health

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are harmful compounds that naturally form inside the body when proteins or fats combine with sugars (glycation). This reaction affects the functioning of cells, making them more susceptible to damage and premature aging.

AGEs can also form in foods that have been exposed to high temperatures, such as during roasting, barbequing, grilling, frying, or toasting. Foods contribute the largest amount of AGEs to our bodies.

The body can usually get rid of these AGEs via anti-oxidants and specific enzymes, however if you eat too many foods high in AGEs the body cannot eliminate them quickly enough and they start to build up, leading to oxidative stress, inflammation and the development of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, premature aging and kidney failure. People with high blood sugar such as in diabetes create AGEs more easily and are at a higher risk.

So what can you do to lessen the impacts of AGEs in your diet?

1.    Avoid the foods high in AGEs

Foods high in AGEs:

  • Animal foods including meat, cheese, eggs, butter

  • Fried foods

  • Highly processed foods

Foods low in AGEs:

  • Veggies

  • Legumes

  • Wholegrains

  • Steamed/boiled/poached food

2. Modify cooking methods.

Dry heat promotes  AGE formation by more than 10- to 100-fold above uncooked foods in all food categories.. Foods cooked with moist heat, shorter cooking times and lower temperatures produced the least amount of AGEs.

3. Add vinegar or lemon juice.

Acidic pH stops the development of AGEs so use acidic ingredients such as vinegar or lemon juice as marinades and in cooking.

For lots of healthy low AGE recipes, check out my cookbooks in the shop!


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